In the morning we completed an assessment on the big ideas covered in our SS unit on how geography influences early civilizations. The afternoon was spent doing chemistry. Students were presented with 6 unknown solutions and were assigned the task of trying to determining which were acids and which were bases. In the end, students discovered that they could test known acids and bases and could use their colours to classify the unknown solutions. Next week we will work on determine the relative strength of the acids and 3 bases. |
- Churchill Visit 12:45-2:30 (You will be dismissed from Churchill)
- Algebra Unit Evaluation Monday
- Play the pH Google Doodle that was posted on 2 days ago. S.P.L. Sorensonintroduced the pH scale to the world.
- Click here to complete the online pH lab simulation.
- Post a paragraph and answer the following questions within it. Feel free to pull on your background knowledge from what you learned in class today.
- Remember, you must always support your opinions/statements with supporting evidence/examples.
- What do you notice about pH levels between different substances?
- Which numbers indicate that a substance is basic?
- Which numbers indicate that a substance is acidic?
- Edit/revise for the givens
- Watch this video.
- In a brief paragraph, explain if this is a chemical or a physical change.
- Give examples/evidence to support your opinion. Use your background knowledge from yesterday's lesson.
- There will be a demo in class tomorrow.
- Edit for the givens.