Laurier students were lucky to have One Woman Circus here today. Students were challenged to concentrate and focus on several difficult tasks including juggling scarves, balls and sticks, spinning plates and balancing feathers. Throughout the lesson students received continuous DESCRIPTIVE FEEDBACK to help them improve. The big 6 principle of leaning will help get better at everything you do! Thank you to our amazing instructor Sand:) |
- Show your parents your operations with decimals Evaluation on Fresh Grade
- Complete marking your assignment form yesterday
- Make sure you have completed your planning for your story board and you have it with you at at school tomorrow
- Today you got to experience some circus skills. Write a short letter to your circus instructor Sand explaining what you thought about todays activities.
- Watch the video below for letter writing SUCCESS CRITERIA
- What parts you like best and why.
- What was most difficult or easy for you and why.
- Did you like it that it was difficult.
- How you feel when you were successful.
- How did you feel when you were not successful.
- Did you give up. Why or why not.
- Did you have fun.
- Has your opinion of circus performers changed now that you have experienced some of the skills
- Would you like to keep working on some of these skills
- A thank you.
Writing a letter